Services and Information
Welcome to your new home in Hope Island Resort
Cambridge Management Services (CMS) performs the administrative and managerial functions and ensures that all aspects of the Hope Island Resort are operating efficiently and effectively.
The Hope Island Handbook is a good place to start to get an understanding of the body corporate structure and roles. You will also find the answers to many frequently asked questions about living at Hope Island Resort.
The Architectural Review Authority (ARA) is a delegated authority of the Hope Island Resort Principal Body Corporate.
This is the place to look for information and fact sheets on living at Hope Island Resort.
Let CMS provide you with text message notifications.
The text message notification service ensures all Residents who provide their mobile phone number are receiving real time updates of matters affecting the Resort. |
Broadwater Police Beat
Top questions regarding living here at Hope island Resort
- What facilities are available within the Resort to be used by all Residents?
- How to book parks and barbeque facilities for private social functions?
- What services does Hope Island Resort Security provide to Residents?
- Is there a permit required to drive a golf buggy within the Resort or to Sanctuary Cove?
- What are the guidelines for pets within and around the Resort?
- Parking of caravans, recreational vehicles and watercraft within the Resort?
- Where is the best coffee??
- Do golf balls stray from the course?
- Are there ‘dog’ bins located within the Resort?
- What is the approved mulch type for the Resort?
Top questions regarding the operation of the bodies corporate at Hope island Resort
- What legislation governs Hope Island Resort?
- Why isn’t Hope Island Resort governed by the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997?
- What is the Body Corporate structure at Hope Island Resort?
- Who controls the Architectural Review Authority?
- What is the process of appointment of the Members’ Nominee to the Principal Body
Corporate and what is his/her role? - What services does the Principal Body Corporate provide?
- Why do I have to pay levy contributions to my Residential Body Corporate and how
are they determined? - What happens to the funds contributed (levy contributions) by the Residential
Bodies Corporate to the Principal Body Corporate? - Why do we have By-Laws?
- What is the Committee’s role and how can I find out who my Body Corporate
Committee Members are?
Hope Island Resort Security Interesting Facts

- Hope Island Resort Security operates 24 hours per day 365 days per year.
- Security Control Room phone number is 07-5530 9971 or internal phone number is 59999. Darren Bell is the Security Manager.
- Office is located at Suite 7, 1 Rialto Quay Drive, Hope Island, QLD, 4212.
- Patrol vehicles can travel over 220 km per 24 hour shift patrolling and responding to alarms or residence assistance.
- Advance resuscitation training is completed by security staff every 12 months.
- Oxygen therapy kits are included as part of the First Aid Equipment that are carried in all the security patrol vehicles.
- Fire training and use of a variety of fire extinguishers is completed every 12 months.
- Dry powder fire extinguisher form part of Emergency Equipment carried in all the security patrol vehicles.
- All residents who use a buggy within the Resort are required to complete a ‘Buggy Registration form’. All golf buggy’s driven on Resort roads MUST be registered with QLD Transport and the driver of the golf buggy MUST hold a current motor vehicle drivers licence.
Archives of Hope Island Resort

Earth moving in the grand canal
Engineering on Fairway Island